Dark Chocolate & your period.

We’ve all been on that slippery slope during our PMS right into our periods – the one where cravings grab us by the throat and refuse to let go. We resist, we falter, we indulge and then we end up feeling worse than how we started out.

Why chocolate? Don’t get us wrong, we aren’t taking away from the power of a big creamy, rich, flavorful bar of chocolate, but have you ever thought about why we reach for it? Our bodies demand calcium when our periods approach. We also feel energy flagging, which leads to another body demand, this time for carbs and sugar. And so we find ourselves reaching for the first package that contains all 3 – chocolate!

Sadly, regular chocolate contains theobromine, a stimulant that can worsen pain and discomfort once the “happy” from the chocolate wears off. And so, we hunt for a substitute, and hit on dark chocolate. The really dark variety – 75% or darker! Why?

1) It has potassium, magnesium AND iron – A triple whammy right there that soothes our bodies. The body tends to be low on iron during the period, making us tire quicker. A lack of potassium can lead to more painful cramps. A nice bar of dark chocolate leaves you with more iron in the bloodstream, more potassium (thus, relaxed muscles) and more magnesium (an excellent muscle relaxant!)

2) Mood enhancer – Chocolate encourages our brain to release happy hormones – endorphins. These endorphins cheerfully swim through our blood and “up” our mood by several notches. Additionally, endorphins reduce pain perception, so you could notice that you’ve given yourself a less painful period as well!

3) The Alphas and the Omegas – Sounds like Greek, if not Latin? (Pun intended!). See, the reason dark chocolate is an alpha period snack is because it contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. A deficiency of either in the blood results in tiredness, period blues, painful periods and more. Luckily, dark chocolate gives you a boost there!

4) Caffeine – Here’s the good news for women who can’t function without their coffee! While a regular intake of caffeine can increase pain on “those days”, you can still give your body the shot it craves with dark chocolate. An instant energy booster, it clears your brain and kick starts your day.

Are you glancing moodily at your calendar, watching the advent of your next period? Grab a big, bad bar of dark chocolate and soothe the blues away!

Saving the Earth – One Cup at a Time

As women, we always have “that time of the month” marked off on our calendars. Sometimes, we are lucky enough to have remembered to “stock up” before our periods arrive, sometimes they catch us completely unprepared. We tear open a new pack of sanitary napkins or tampons, use enough to get us through the next 5-7 days and grimly wage battle against stains, breaks in exercise routines, and so on. What if there was another way? A way to have a stainless period. One that did not burden the already groaning Earth?

Let’s break down a pad for you first.

One of the key components of a pad is cotton. It’s a crop which is known for being water-intensive. A large scale production of sanitary products requires huge amounts of cotton being grown, thus depleting the water table.

Again, in order to get maximum produce, cotton is soaked with pesticides and insecticides. Definitely not what we’d want around sensitive parts of our body, let alone the impact on the environment. 

In India, in order to give pads their pure white look, the cotton is bleached. The chemicals present in the bleach used in pads has been known to cause abnormal growth in reproductive tissues. 

When you buy pads across the counter in a store, they come neatly wrapped in plastic, with each individual piece having their own plastic case. This combined with the glue and plastic protectors results in a huge amount of non-biodegradable waste being dumped every month. 

Used pads also have to be disposed off, and once they are burnt in landfills, release harsh chemicals into the ground and air. They take centuries to decompose and continue to leach poison into the environment with every passing minute. 

Let’s contrast this with a menstrual cup.

The key component in the menstrual cup is silicone. This is made from silica, a river sand which is one of the most abundant resources you find in the environment. Not only is it not harmful to the environment, it is also medically tested to ensure it is safe for the human body,

The Nari-Yari cup itself is certified to be free from toxicity and vaginal irritation under ISO 10993-10:2010(E) and ISO 10993-5:2009(E). This means freedom from rashes, itching, the fear of Toxic Shock Syndrome right away.

Nari-Yari packs each cup in a cloth pouch, which can be reused throughout the lifetime of the cup. It comes in cardboard boxes which are biodegradable, and can also be reused just like the cloth pouch.

Finally, a menstrual cup has a lifespan of a decade. This means that for 10 years, you don’t have to worry about burdening the earth with plastic waste. When the time comes to dispose of the cup, you’ll be happy to know it slowly disintegrates into its original form – silica – which means that we are actually giving back to the Earth as well. 

If you are ready to give the Nari-Yari cup a try, just visit www.nariyari.com or call us on +91 9341255690.

Read more about the amazing health benefits you get from using a cup here. You can also see what alternatives we have for young girls here, if you want the next gen to have a plastic-free period right from the start! 

Health in a Cup

You might have heard about the menstrual cup, and the amazing benefits it brings you. From better health to environmental benefits and more, the cup can work wonders for you. If you want to know how the Nari-Yari cup can improve your menstrual health, read on! 

Maintains the pH & lowers instances of bacterial infections

The cup has no chemicals in it which can interfere with the delicate pH balance of the vagina. Disturbances in the pH balance can cause a plethora of bacterial infections which create month-long irritation and significant damage to health.

Rash-free period – No wings, or irritants to cause rashes 

With menstrual pads, there are wings which aid in securing it in place. These wings contain glue and chemicals which chafe against the delicate skin of the inner thigh and labia, causing rashes which last well past the period.. 

Menstrual cups on the other hand are inserted into the body. Being made of silicone, they contain no glue or chemicals, and thus cause no rashes. 

No risk of TSS – Can be used safely for up to 12 hours

Tampons carry an element of risk of TSS or Toxic Shock Syndrome. They absorb menstrual blood and over time, the bacteria present in the blood could trigger the potentially life-threatening syndrome. 

Since the Nari-Yari cup only collects the blood and does not absorb it, there is no fear of build-up of bacteria, and thus no fear of TSS.

No dangerous chemicals used 

Numerous chemicals are used in pads via bleach, fragrance additives and so on. These have been known to cause abnormal growth in reproductive tissues which leads to cervical cancer. 

The menstrual cups have no bleach, no fragrances and no chemicals added to them, which means no risk of abnormal growth.

More sleep 

For people with regular flow, the Nari-Yari cup can be used safely for upto 12 hours. This means you no longer have to interrupt your sleep to change pads/tampons. Longer stretches of good sleep means increased productivity, better concentration and overall good health.

No allergies 

Fragrances or perfumes found in pads and tampons can cause itching and other irritation to the vagina. Cups are latex-free, fragrance-free, lead and mercury-free, which means there’s nothing to irritate the delicate skin and tissues. 

Want to cast your period worries aside and kick-start your Nari-Yari journey? Log on to www.nariyari.com or call us on +91 9341255690. 

Have a young daughter or niece you want to introduce to safe, green periods right from the beginning? Check out what you can do here

Green periods – Start Them Young

If you are keen on leaving behind a green earth for the next generation, you’ve probably made a ton of “green” choices already. You might have already started using the menstrual cup in order to reduce the number of plastic disposables you have to trash. 

So, what about starting the next gen on green periods right from the start? Given today’s societal norms, we might not all be comfortable about young girls using the cup. Which leaves us with the question, what alternatives do they have to disposables? Welcome to the world of reusable pads! 

These cloth pads by Aaram, marketed and distributed by Nari-Yari come with two outer covers or holders and 5 inserts. The absorbent cloth can be removed, washed and used again. A cloth pad typically lasts between 3-5 years, depending on flow and usage. 

Here, we answer some basic questions you or your t(w)een might have about cloth pads

1) Why can’t I just use disposables, all my friends do.

Here’s an idea. You try the disposables your friends use for 6 months, and then try the cloth pad for 6 months. If you see a difference and want to make the switch, great. If not, no pressure, you can always try again later.

For parents, remember that peer pressure is a huge influence on what kids do. Your child can either be the one influencing other kids and converting them to cloth pads, or they might fall in with the norm of disposables. You can give them the choice and introduce them to both. Remember to stay open and answer any questions they might have on either or both pads.

2) Can I use these cloth pads when I sleep, what if they stain?

Cloth pads are safe to use when you sleep. Unlike the disposable pads, these don’t “bunch up” or twist, which are the main causes of leaks.

However, if you do have a heavy flow, you might want to back the cloth pad up with panty-liners or a good period panty. 

3) How long can I go without changing the pad?

This is similar to disposable pads, we recommend that you change atleast once in 4 hours.

There might not be a bad odor, like you get with disposable pads when the blood mixes with the chemicals. However, leaving a pad on for too long without changing it, could lead to bacterial growth and infections, which are best avoided. If you have a heavy flow, we recommend that you change it sooner.

4) What about changing in school, how do I manage that?

Parents, we’d say, get your child a nice pouch and a whole stock of zip-lock packets. The used pad can go into the zip-lock packet (soiled side inside), and it can be stored inside the pouch. If the pouch is one that can fit inside the pocket, you might want to consider that one for a shy child, so they are not questioned or bullied by other kids.

5) How do I wash the pads?

Soak the pad in normal water (not hot, not cold) for about half an hour. Post that you can either choose to: 

1) Wash the pad by hand

2) Scrub once by hand and then toss it into the washing machine for a cold water wash.

Once the pad has been washed, try to hang it out in direct sunlight, since that means it gets disinfected too. If you can’t get direct sunlight, make sure to dry it in an airy place.

Only store the pad once it is completely dry. Even a little bit of damp can lead to bacterial growth and infection, which is easily avoidable. Don’t iron the pad. 

Want to pick up your child’s first “green pads”? Call us on +91 9341255690 and we’ll get you started. If you want to know more about the benefits of using a cup, check out their environmental bonuses here, and their health benefits here. Log on to www.nariyari.com to pick your cup up right away!